The effectiveness of PRP to treat Men’s Infertility

The effectiveness of PRP to treat Men’s Infertility

Ovarian PRP

Despite the advancement in the healthcare sector, especially in gynecology, infertility among males has become more challenging to cure. One of the best-known treatments to cure infertility is PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma).

What is Testicular PRP?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy is considered an advanced method for female and male infertility treatment. PRP is prepared from the patient’s blood as it is a concentration of platelets that helps to improve the structural and functional impairments of the testis.

Testicular PRP is a treatment for those patients who are bound to rely on the options of donor sperm or adoption. This treatment has a rich growth factor composition, therefore, has already been proven beneficial in regenerative therapy. It has been revealed in a study that PRP increases the thickness and improves the pregnancy outcome with thin endometrium. 

PRP treatment for male infertility

Over the past 50 years, the majority of patients that are coming forward for discussing fertility problems have been women, therefore, malefactors are renowned for being a difficult subject for fertility researchers to deal with. Some treatments have been done in order to help a man with infertility. As we know that PRP is used to help with female infertility by helping menopausal women in achieving pregnancy. But now PRP treatment for male infertility is also done by helping the testicles to produce sperm.

Sperm creation is spermatogenesis. PRP treatment can encourage spermatogenesis to occur when it is injected into the testicles. This protocol has been proved successful in more than 60% of the cases. Moreover, PRP treatment can also help to treat the conditions that impair spermatogenesis in the case of non-obstructive azoospermia. Basically, this treatment helps to enhance the sperm concentration and motility in an infertile man along with OAT. 

PRP treatment for azoospermia

Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is the absence of sperm due to primary testicular dysfunction in the ejaculate that results in severe deficits in spermatogenous. It has been observed that non-obstructive azoospermia is in 5-10% of men that are undergoing infertility work-up. A lot of surgical techniques have been developed in order to retrieve sperm cells in men with NOA including testicular sperm aspiration (TCSA) and conventional or microdissection testicular sperm extraction (CTESE/ mTESE)

After obtaining written informed consent from the male patient, a study will be conducted along with a diagnosis of non-obstructive azoospermia or cryptozoospermia. This diagnosis will be performed two times taking a gap of 15 days which will be followed by a documented micro testicular sperm extraction. Before starting the treatment, a full history will be obtained along with a physical examination and a laboratory evaluation.

After the examination, the doctor will determine the serum FSH and testosterone values so that PRP might be prepared by centrifugation of 20ml of autologous blood of the male patient. Afterward, sperm analysis, testicular volume, and testosterone levels will be re-evaluated after 8 weeks of post-procedure. And after this PRP procedure, a micro TESI will be performed. 

PRP Injectional Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is an autologous treatment because it comes from the body of the patient therefore, it is also considered a natural treatment, and hence the injections also carry less risk. This treatment takes up to 45 to 90 minutes to complete. However, it totally depends on the patient and doctor whether they have to take a one-time injection or a series of injections that are going to be used spaced over weeks or months. If the patient prefers to have a series of injections, then the doctor will take a single blood draw during the first visit only and will use that fresh PRP during the first injection. The remaining PRP will be stored and frozen for future injections. However, some doctors prefer to have separate blood draws for each PRP injection also.

The treatment of PRP injection platelet-rich plasma needs some precautions also, such as before starting this procedure, the patient should avoid corticosteroid medications for 2-3 weeks. You should also avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like aspirin for arthritis, and medications such as celebrate. One should use plenty of fluids just one day before the procedure

A lot of patients want to know the full procedure of PRP platelet-rich plasma treatment that is given below:-

First of all, the doctor will take the blood from the vein in the patient arm. The required blood for this treatment is 15-50ml. Then, with the help of a centrifuge machine, the blood will be processed to prepare the centrifuged platelet-rich plasma for injection. Then, with the help of some alcohol and iodine, the doctor or technician will clean the affected area. A special gel will also be applied on the area of skin that is near to the injection site only the ultrasound will be used then, the live image will be shown to the doctor on the projected screen of the joint.

Then the patient will be asked to relax and the doctor will inject the injection with the help of the syringe or needle into the joint capsule. After that, they will clean the injected area and will bandage it. 

Who should not do PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a highly effective treatment of the body’s own healing mechanism and puts them at the right place where you need them. However, everyone is not eligible to have this treatment. The person with end-stage osteoarthritis or joint degeneration will not see the result of this treatment other patients also evolved some risk while having this treatment. those patients who have an active infection or a metastatic disease, who suffer from a blood bleeding disorder, are anemic, pregnant, or who are inactive in anticoagulation therapy. Moreover, you should inform your doctor before your treatment begins, if you are allergic to cow products also. If your health does not remain good or you have a low immune system then also you should not go with this PRP treatment.

As we all know that PRP treatment is still an experimental treatment and even if it is not covered by insurance companies also but the probability of a success rate is also high. So, if you are looking to have this treatment, you can consult your doctor about this only if you did not have any medical issues.

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